A General Completeness Theorem for Skip-free Star Algebras
[FoSSaCS 2025 — to appear]
Algebras for Deterministic Computation Are Inherently Incomplete
[POPL 2025]
CF-GKAT: Efficient Validation of Control-Flow Transformations
[POPL 2025]
An Elementary Proof of the FMP for Kleene Algebra
[FI — to appear]
Probabilistic Guarded KAT Modulo Bisimilarity: Completeness and Complexity
[ICALP 2023]
A Complete Inference System for Skip-free Guarded Kleene Algebra with Tests
[ESOP 2023]
Completeness and the Finite Model Property for Kleene Algebra, Reconsidered
[RAMiCS 2023]
Leapfrog: Certified Equivalence for Protocol Parsers
[PLDI 2022]
A Categorical Framework for Learning Generalised Tree Automata
[CMCS 2022]
Concurrent NetKAT: modeling and analyzing stateful, concurrent networks
[ESOP 2022]
Equivalence checking for weak bi-Kleene algebra
Guarded Kleene Algebra with Tests: Coequations, Coinduction, and Completeness
[ICALP 2021]
Learning Pomset Automata
[FoSSaCS 2021]
Concurrent Kleene Algebra: Completeness and Decidability
[PhD Thesis, UCL]
Partially Observable Concurrent Kleene Algebra
[CONCUR 2020]
Concurrent Kleene Algebra with Observations: from Hypotheses to Completeness
[FoSSaCS 2020]
Guarded Kleene Algebra with Tests: Verification of Uninterpreted Programs in Nearly Linear Time
[POPL 2020]
( Distinguished paper award)
Completeness and Incompleteness of Synchronous Kleene Algebra
[MPC 2019]
Soft component automata: Composition, compilation, logic, and verification
[J. Sci. Comp. Prog]
Kleene Algebra with Observations
[CONCUR 2019]
Tree Automata as Algebras: Minimisation and Determinisation
[CALCO 2019]
On Series-Parallel Pomset Languages: Rationality, Context-Freeness and Automata
Learning to coordinate
[Farhad Arbab festschrift]
Concurrent Kleene algebra: free model and completeness
[ESOP 2018]
A component-oriented framework for autonomous agents
[FACS 2017]
Brzozowski goes concurrent: a Kleene theorem for pomset languages
[CONCUR 2017]
Constraint automata with memory cells and their composition
[J. Sci. Comp. Prog]
A compositional framework for preference-aware agents
[V²CPS 2016]
Formal specification and analysis of robust adaptive distributed cyber-physical systems
[SFM 2016]